5 Tips to Stay Safe and Healthy During a Pandemic


In March 2020, everyone discovered a new “normal” to life. We, as a society, found that we are staying inside more often than some of us are used to, avoiding anyone who has ever sneezed or coughed, purchasing anything/everything we can for storage, finding new things to organize and craft, and cleaning every possible thing in sight. COVID-19 has changed everything. 

With this new pandemic changing everything and continuing to increase, it is more crucial than ever to stay safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are 5 tips to stay safe and healthy during this pandemic based on the guidelines given to us from the CDC.

  1. Wash your hands frequently

Are you a germaphobe? Well, if you are, then great! You are already thinking about all of the germs that are currently on your hands and spreading to every little thing you touch. 

If not, then start thinking about where your hands have been. Think about your routine today. What did you do? Get ready for the day; probably had germs on your hands from the night before. Make breakfast; how many people touched the handle on the refrigerator or the knob on the stove? How long has it been since they have been cleaned? Go grocery shopping; those door knobs are disgusting! What about the stuff you bought? SO many people have touched those! Did you ever think about the steering wheel? When was the last time that was cleaned?(I honestly have never cleaned mine before.) You get the point. Germs spread like crazy, and we don’t even realize it. Even when we aren’t in the middle of a crazy pandemic, wash your hands!

  1. Keep your distance.

The CDC has asked that everyone stays 6 feet apart from each other. I know, it’s so hard when you run into your best friend at the grocery store and you can’t hug them. Or seeing your cute grandpa and missing his giant bear hugs. It’s so hard to keep your distance from the people you care about. 

When you were little, did your parents or teachers ever teach you about your very own “personal bubble” (personal space)? Everyone has their own “personal bubble”, and heaven forbid if we are the one to pop it. 

A couple days ago, I went grocery shopping and I was standing in line waiting to pay for my groceries, and there was this super cute family right in front of me. The family had put all of their groceries on the conveyor belt and was just waiting to pay. A little boy in the family was so fascinated by the shelves of candies and toys along the checkout line, that he didn’t realize how close he was to me. Trying to stay 6 feet away, as to have no chance of me getting this little boy sick, I just sat in line waiting until I was far enough away from the boy to start loading my groceries onto the conveyor belt. His sweet mom, noticing this, called her boy over to her and said, “Remember, personal bubbles.” 

It is so important for everyone to understand that everyone has their own “personal bubble”. It could save someone’s life. 

  1. Cover your nose and mouth while in public.

Have you ever been around someone when they are sick? Probably at least once in your life. Once you find out they are sick, you kinda don’t want them to touch you, sneeze on you, or breathe on you for that matter. You do everything you can to not get sick, because who actually likes to be sick? No one! I’ve never met a single person who honestly enjoys being sick. (Unless you’re trying to get off of work or school for a day, then that is a completely different situation.) No one wants to get sick!

Now, imagine yourself at the grocery store today (with the pandemic taking place), you see your friend at the store. You say hi to him/her, maybe talk for a little bit, then go your separate ways and keep shopping. Neither of you two had facemasks on, but both of you looked and felt normal, so neither of you bothered. A week later, you are sick in bed with the virus and your friend calls you and tells you that they are sick as well. Now two people who were feeling great the week before are both in bed sick. 

COVID-19 is a little sneaky bug. Some people don’t even know they are sick until a week or so after they have been in contact. Remember to wear your facemasks in public! You never know who has been in contact with any sickness and is spreading it without even knowing it! (Plus some facemasks are super cute!)

  1. Cover your face when you cough or sneeze!

Have you ever been in the way of someone when they sneeze? It’s wet, and so gross! Even more so when someone is sick, or when a crazy pandemic is happening.

When I was in second grade, my teacher always told the class that she hated germs. She would tell us that she hated germs so much that she could see them floating and flying in the air and on surfaces. In fact, everytime someone sneezed, coughed (without covering), stuck their hands in their mouth, nose, anywhere on their face, she would come to us and tell us how many germs were on us. Grossed us out so much that everyone would want to use the hand sanitizer or wash our hands. But for a bunch of snot nosed kids, it worked! We learned to cover our faces when we sneeze or cough, and we learned to hate germs just as much as she did! 

When someone sneezes or coughs, droplets of mucus are released into the air and onto surfaces. When covering your nose or mouth (not with your hand!!), those droplets are limited to how far they can go, which is super great when trying to decrease the spread of a nasty virus. 

  1. Disinfect

Remember at the beginning I asked what you did today? What you touched and the last time it was cleaned? Well, now is your time to clean everything in sight, because there are probably germs everywhere! Like I said before, you don’t know who last touched the refrigerator door, or if their hand was in their mouth right before they touched the handle (mostly little kids). Don’t forget the little things either! Think about everything you and your family touch in your home. The light switch, tv remote, door knobs, any cabinet handle or knob, trash can lid, tables, counters, keyboards, computers, etc. 

Continue to be safe and healthy,

CBM Pros of Northern Utah