Ever Wonder Why Diets Are Hard?

Nowadays, everyone is wanting to go on a diet. Wanting to change the way they feel and look. Thinking about the changes you want can be a very motivating thing, but it’s a lot easier said than done. Why? Why are diets so hard?

A week ago, my family decided to do a 12 week fitness challenge. Each person had to choose their own goal to meet by the end of the 12 weeks. My goal is to lose 20 pounds, in order to do this I am going to the gym and dieting. Again, we have only been at this for a week and I am already doing so bad at keeping my diet. What makes dieting so hard?

What does it mean to go on a diet?

The word ‘diet’ means to eat “less food or only particular kinds of food in order to lose weight.”

What happens to your brain when dieting?

A simplified answer is, your body is constantly working against you. Based on NBCNews, your body weight is regulated by the brain. The body and brain work together to set a specific weight. When you decide to diet, your brain starts to fight back. Your brain starts to send signals of cravings and hunger to your body more often. Sandra Aamondt says, “Whenever your weight changes too much, your brain will intervene to push it back to what it thinks is the correct weight for you.”

What actually works when trying to lose weight?

I found “7 Hard Truths About Weight Loss That Can Help You Slim Down.” Trying to lose weight, I have found that these truths help me to remember that things take time, and I can do anything I set my mind to.

  1. Your Body Works Against You

We already discussed this one, but it’s good to keep this in mind. Remember, you can do it.

  1. There Are No Quick Fixes

Losing weight doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, be patient, and work hard. When setting your goals, make sure you are giving yourself enough time to meet your goal, realistically. 

  1. Exercise Can’t Conquer All

The best way to lose weight is make sure the calories you’re burning are more than what you’re eating. Exercising can go so far, but eating well and exercising work very well together.

  1. Diet Supplements Don’t Work

I have honestly never tried diet supplements, but I have also never heard of anyone losing weight (long term) with diet supplements. In my opinion, diet supplements are a way to cheat out of losing weight. Losing weight cannot be cheated.

  1. Fad Diets Don’t Work For Long

Not all diets are going to work. Every person has a different body, mindset, and goal. If diets do work, lots of them are for a short amount of time. Find something that works for your body that will last a long time. 

  1. Cardio is Essential

Just like what we said earlier, exercise can’t do everything, but it can do a lot. Exercising alone can bring so many benefits. Cardio helps you have more energy, lose weight, feel better, and so much more. Exercising can help anyone. 

  1. Diets Are A Lifestyle Change

Not all diets are long term. Diets that are long term change into a lifestyle change. This will help you lose weight and maintain your weight. “If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to change your behavior not just until you reach your goal weight, but for the months and years to follow.”

1 thought on “Ever Wonder Why Diets Are Hard?”

  1. It is true that without putting in the work and staying consistent, the weight doesn’t stay away long term. That’s my experience anyways. For me it’s mindset. When I lost 70lbs I was consistent and determined. It was that determination that led to me losing those 70lbs. I’ve learned that “there is no fate, no chance, no destiny, that can circumvent, hinder, or control, the firm resolve of a determined soul”. Working on my mindset gets me over 50% of the way to my goal. Here’s to a positive mindset!!!

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