Ever Wonder Why Mold Grows?

What Is Mold And What Does It Look Like?

Based on the EPA website, “Molds are a natural part of the environment and can be found almost anywhere that moisture and oxygen are present. They belong to the kingdom Fungi and live in moist places such as soil, plants and dead or decaying matter.”

There are many different kinds of molds, outdoor and indoor. Outdoor molds help break down decaying plants or animals. Indoor molds are more of a nuisance than a help. Both outdoor and indoor molds needs moisture in order to grow.

Mold can have a fuzzy appearance, and range from many different colors including; green, brown, black, orange, pink or purple.

How Does Mold Grow In Your Home/ Business?

Mold is a living organism. As a result of this, mold has certain conditions in which it can grow and live. These conditions are:

1. Mold Spores

Mold produces spores. These spores are “microscopic cells that spread through the air, by water or insects, acting like seeds, creating new mold colonies when they land in just the right setting.”(How, where, and why mold grows in our homes, and what to do about it. By Karla Araujo)

2. A Food Source

Food sources include wood, drywall, cotton, old food, etc.

3. Darkness

Mold cannot grow in light. That’s why it is very common to find mold under carpets or in a basement.

4. Warmth

Freezing temperatures do not permit mold to grow.

5. Oxygen

Mold is a living organism. Living organisms must have oxygen in order to survive.

6. Moisture

Moisture is a necessity when it comes to mold. This can take place anywhere in your home. Especially food! You’re probably thinking that it’s a house and there is no moisture coming inside. Well, that doesn’t always happen. Moisture can enter your hoe through humidity, leaking pipes or a roof, condensation, poor ventilation, flooding, wet clothes, damp basement, and water near the foundation of the building.

7. Time

For mold to grow, it take about 24-48 hours to start growing in a damp, dark, and warm spot.

Ways To Prevent Mold

There are many ways to prevent mold from entering your home. Here are a couple of suggestions for you;

Clean and dry leaks or flood as soon as possible. Within 24-48 hours of a leak or flood mold will start to grow. Cleaning and drying any moisture can prevent mold from growing.

Keep humidity levels as low as possible. Humidity is a very easy way for moisture to enter your home. Humidity also depends on where you live. Those of you that are living in Utah may not have to worry about humidity as much. For those who live in Hawaii, or anywhere in the East will need to worry about humidity. To keep the humidity down a dehumidifier may work the best.

Don’t carpet bathrooms or basements. Bathrooms and basements bring a lot of moisture, so not having these carpeted can help prevent mold a lot.

Maintain home and plumbing. Having a regular check of plumbing, window sills, roof, and more can refrain from leaks and mold.

Lastly, keep water away from the foundation of the home. This can include any springs, sprinklers, or leaky hoses.