Ever Wonder Why Furniture Fabric Fades?

It’s always exciting going shopping for new furniture. Picking out new stuff, finding the right feel, color, and look, and getting to use it at home. The thing that isn’t as exciting, and might put a damper on your day is see your new furniture fabric fading. Whether it be a rug, couch, chair, anything, you don’t want to see that beautiful new piece of furniture start to look bad. Why does fabric fade? How can I stop it?

Why Does Fabric Fade?

Most fading and discoloration of furniture and fabric comes from the sun. Whether that be from solar light or UV rays, both can damage fabric and furniture. Other factors can be interior lights, pollution, wear and tear, and humidity.

Anette Ortenstone from lombardohomes.com came up with 5 ways we can prevent discoloration and fading on our beautiful furniture.

“Pay Attention to Fabric Type and Color”

This is the very first and can be the most important thing to do when trying to avoid fading and discoloration. When looking for new furniture, inside or outside, check what type of fabric and color the furniture is. Some fabrics are more prone to fading than others. Anette describes that silk fabric will fade faster and easier than fabrics mixed with polyester.

Also notice the color of the furniture. Fabrics that are a darker color will fade more than those of a lighter tone.

Do research ahead of time, so when you do go buy your furniture, you will have a better idea of what will best prevent fading.

“Research Window Awnings, Treatments, and Accessories”

There are many things you can do to open the windows more, and not let the UV rays from the sun damage your furniture. Whether it be curtains, blinds, and awnings. Window film and transparent solar shades are options to keep the UV rays off your furniture, but also makes it possible for you to see outside.

“Look Into Protective Covers”

You might think this is a little ridiculous to buy a brand new couch or chair, and have to buy a new cover for it as well. Protective covers can have a significantly positive effect of keeping your furniture looking nice and preventing discoloration and fading.

Whether the cover is taken off when guest are there, having covers on can reduce the amount of UV rays hitting the fabric.

“Rotate, Rotate, Rotate”

Anette emphasizes this a lot throughout her article. If you do decide not to purchase a cover, or something to help with the windows, rotating furniture and cushions is the next best thing.

Whether it is bi-monthly, monthly, bi-weekly, or weekly, rotating your cushions and furniture can ensure that if your fabric is fading, it is even throughout the whole piece of furniture. This will prevent an eyesore of fading in one spot.

“Be Consistent Throughout The Year”

It’s the end of October, its getting cold and cloudy. This doesn’t mean precautions of fading should decrease. There is always a way for UV rays to hit your furniture and damage it. Be consistent.