Easy Move-Out & Move-In Cleaning Checklists

Are you or someone you know moving out of an apartment or selling their home? Here are some checklists to make cleaning while moving a little easier.

Recently, it seems like there are a lot of people either moving out of apartments, or selling their homes. Packing, cleaning, finding a new place, and moving can be extremely stressful. Hopefully we can help you out with at least one thing. I have created an easy cleaning checklist to help any mover.

Move-out Cleaning Checklist

If you are moving out of an apartment, this list will be great to ensure to get your security deposit back. If you are moving out of a house, cleaning is more of a courtesy to the people that are moving in after you.  Here are a list of things to clean before leaving:

  • Remove all screws/nails from the walls. Try to putty or patch the wall as best as you can. (Depending on if your in an apartment, and what the landlord says.)
  • Clean all of the windows.
  • Dust everything. Best thing to do is start at the ceiling, and work your way down.
  • Clean all doors and door knobs. Especially is you have kids or pets.
  • Clean/replace any outlet covers and light switch covers.
  • Vacuum all of the carpet. (If you notice stains, give us a call and we can clean your carpet!)
  • Deep clean bathrooms.
  • Sweep and mop all hardwood floors.

My suggestion when cleaning, is to clean before you leave. Have everything already moved out, and take a day to get things cleaned. That way you aren’t having to go around furniture and boxes.

Move-in Cleaning Checklist

With moving out, comes moving in. Here is a cleaning checklist to help your new home feel fresh, and you feeling a little less stress.

  • Clean the bedrooms that will be used that night. (Dust walls and sweep/vacuum floors) After the bedrooms are cleaned, if possible set up beds. After a long day of packing, it will be nice to have beds already set up.
  • Clean the kitchen, including appliances. This way, all of your perishable foods can be put away, and you have a clean place to cook when needed.
  • Deep clean the bathrooms.
  • Dust and sweep/vacuum the rest of your home.
  • Clean out garage.
  • Finish unpacking

Similar to the move-out checklist, try cleaning before unpacking everything. Take a day before to clean everything that is needed. This will help relieve stress knowing everything is already cleaned.