Ever Wonder What Causes Clutter?

Things happen, and sometimes life gets in the way and your house starts to get cluttered. This is a constant struggle in my house! What causes clutter and how can you prevent it?

Do you ever feel like you are constantly cleaning and tidying your house? Well, I have found 4 causes for clutter and ways to eliminate it!

Too Much Stuff

Having too much stuff can cause a lot of unwanted clutter, especially if you have too many things that have the same purpose. Trust me, you don’t need those 3 different straighteners.

Some things you may want to consider getting rid of now are:

  • Old DVDs, CDs, and VHS tapes any old technology
  • Extra cooking utensils or appliances you don’t use
  • Old newspapers, magazines, or books
  • Makeup, nail polish, or medicine that is old or expired
  • Bed linens that are old or never used
  • Anything that is broken that hasn’t been fixed

Most of these items will just need to be thrown away, but if you find some things that you don’t need/ want (still in good condition), you can donate them at the closest DI or thrift store. Someone else may be in need of the things that you have.

Transitional State

Whether something new is happening in your life (like you’re moving, having a baby, or getting married), or a holiday is right around the corner, moving things can cause clutter.

The best way to eliminate clutter when transitioning things is to take things one step at a time. Make a list of things that need to be done and do one or two per day. This will also help relieve stress so you’re not too overwhelmed.

A Lack Of System

This for for everything you use daily. Not having a place or a system set as to when and where to put certain things can bring a lot of clutter very fast. Some examples of everyday system needs are:

  • Paper & mail
  • Cellphones, keys, laptops, wallets, and glasses
  • Computer bags, purses, sports bags, outerwear, and backpacks
  • Art supplies, toys and paperwork for children.

Each of these things, when not put away, can add to the clutter. It could also make it hard to find these things when they are really needed. Something my husband and I do, well try to do, is have a designated spot for each of the items above. This is a lot easier said than done, because I can be really lazy sometimes, but it really helps when everything is put away properly.

One more thing that might help is having a designated time during the day to make sure all of these things are where they are supposed to be. For my husband and I, we organize our mail as soon as we walk through the door. For people with kids, maybe you and your kids have a time set before bedtime to clean up used toys. Whatever works for you and those you live with.

Health Problems

Whether you are sick in bed all day, or someone else is and you’re busy taking care of them. Physical, mental, and emotional health problems can take a big toll on clutter and getting things done.

Some options to help with clutter is to wait out the sickness. As soon as you feel a little better, declutter a little bit and go back to bed. Don’t strain yourself or stress yourself out.

Another option is to ask for outside help. People are more than willing to help, don’t be afraid to ask.

Clutter can be exhausting and frustrating, but hopefully these tips and tricks can help you! What tips do you have for managing clutter?