Ever Wonder Why Blinds Get So Dirty?

Blinds can be a good accommodation to have in your home to help with privacy, direct or filter sunshine, and can add a clean, white decorative piece to your home. Why do they get so dirty, and how do you clean them?

Why do blinds get dirty?

Remember when we talked about dust? All of those little dust mites and dust bunnies living with you. I know, it’s gross, but that’s what is making your blinds so dirty. Dust mites move around the air every time the heater or ac turns on, fans are on, doors and windows open and close, and much more. Whenever those dust mites move in the air, they have to settle somewhere. Many times, it’s on your blinds!

Why do blinds turn yellow?

Indoor pollution can have a negative affect on your blinds and turning them yellow. With indoor pollution, I am talking about dust like we discussed before, but there is more than just dust that causes your blinds to turn yellow. Another example of indoor pollution could be smoking. Nicotine from cigarette smoke will collect on any surface and leave a yellow discoloration on your blinds.

Indoor pollution is not the only reason for yellow blinds. A big reason is UV ray damage. Sometimes, the only thing blocking the inside of your home from the sunlight are uv rays, which can cause damage to your blinds. “It is the continual subjection to the heat, light and UV rays that causes the chemical components in the blinds to breakdown and discolour on the surface.”

How can I clean my blinds?

From angelblindsandshutters.co.uk I found a list to clean your blinds from dirt and grime, and to restore your blinds to the pretty white you had before.

  • “Remove blinds from the windows
  • Run cold water into the bath, add 2-3 cups of bleach
  • Place blinds in the bath, make sure all slats are fully immersed in the water
  • Leave it to soak for 10 minutes
  • Wipe down every slat, front and back using a cloth
  • Remove the blind from the bath and dry with an old towel, or leave somewhere safe to air dry
  • Reinstall the blind back in it’s original position”
**Please do not try this method on wood blinds. The best way to clean wood blinds is with a clean, dry microfiber cloth.**

If this cleaning method does not work, I would suggest investing in some new blinds. The problem with uv damage and discoloration is that you can’t see it happening during the process. Once you see you blinds have turned yellow, uv rays and indoor pollution have already damaged your blinds.

To keep your blinds lasting longer, dust your blinds weekly with a clean microfiber cloth, and rotate what side of your blinds are being hit by the sun every month or so.