Why is it that whenever we go anywhere, people are always on their phones? Are we all addicted? Why do phones exist?

Just imagine your life without the technology that we have today. No social media, video games, computers, phones, etc. Life as we know it, would be a thousand times different. For years, this was how people lived. In fact, the only sources of communication were face to face or though a letter or package. There was no source of instant, long distance communication.
In 1871, Alexander Graham Bell started working on the harmonic telegraph. “A device that allowed multiple messages to be transmitted over a wire at the same time.”
In 1876 Alexander and Thomas Watson were communicate to each other, over the phone. Back then, the telephone was invented only to communicate to people, but telephones were not mobile until the mid 1950s. Before the cellphone was invented, telephones were found in homes and public places. Still, the only way to communicate over the phone was talking.
In 1992, Neil Papworth sent the very first text message to a group of people. After this first text message, every new phone that was made, was compatible for texting.
In 2007, “the most significant moment in smartphone history” happened when Apple released the very first iPhone. This actually wasn’t the first smartphone to be launched. In 1992 the Simon Personal Communicator, created by IBM was the first smart phone. “While not very compact and sleek, the device still featured several elements that became staples to every smartphone that followed.”
What was once a privilege to have a landline in your home, has turned into a common sight of people walking, running, or driving with a phone in hand. Is this good or bad, or both? Some people see cell phones as a blessing, other see them as a curse.
Advantages to having cell phones
- Compact and convenient.
- Instant help when needed.
- Receive and distribute information quickly.
- Portable and affordable.
- Always connected to internet.
- Helpful when lost.
- You can always stay entertained.
- Phone, camera, flashlight, and calculator all in one.
- Help you stay connected to people.
Disadvantages to having cell phones
- Disconnect us from people and reality
- Distracting
- Waste time and procrastinating.
- They are addictive.
- Negatively impact mental health.
- The batteries can explode and cause harm.
- Cyber bullying/ cybercrime are more frequent.
- Less face to face interaction.
- They can make us absent during face to face interactions.
Times are different. Phones aren’t used just for talking to people anymore. They are used for a number of things, both good and bad. Connect with the people and things important in your life, but take a break from life’s fantasies.
“Handheld devices, such as smartphones, are a blessing, but they can also distract us. They need to be our servants, not our masters.”