Ever Wonder Why We Celebrate Groundhog Day?

In elementary school, we got so excited for this day every year. This when we would make cute groundhogs out of paper to take home, the teacher brings “groundhog food” for everyone, and we would see a cute animal predict the weather. There were so many fun things to do when we were little, but what is the reason behind Groundhog Day? What’s the history behind it, and why do we still celebrate it?


What is it?

Groundhog day, is more than just a movie in which the days are repeated. Groundhog day is the day when a groundhog named Punxsutawney Phil, leaves his den from hibernation for a little bit to predict the weather. The prediction of the weather is determined by Punxsutawney Phil and if he can see his shadow. If Phil sees his own shadow, then there will be 6 more weeks of winter. If he doesn’t see his shadow, then the prediction is that an early spring will come.


The first Groundhog Day in the US took place on February 2nd, 1887 in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. Found on history.com we find that “Groundhog Day has its roots in the ancient Christian tradition of Candlemas, when clergy would bless and distribute candles needed for winter. The candles represented how long and cold the winter would be. Germans expanded on this concept by selecting an animal–the hedgehog–as a means of predicting weather. Once they came to America, German settlers in Pennsylvania continued the tradition, although they switched from hedgehogs to groundhogs, which were plentiful in the Keystone State.”

Fun Facts

Based on nationaltoday.com, I found 4 facts about Groundhog Day.

  • Naming– Another name for Groundhog Day is Daks Day. Daks Day is more well known in Canada.
  • Different state, different animal- States that don’t have groundhogs are using different animals. For example, Texas is going with “Armadillo Day”.
  • Shadow or no shadow?- Punxsutawney Phil has not seen his shadow 15 times, and 9 years have been unaccounted for.
  • Was he right?- Punxsutawney Phil has been correct about the weather prediction about 39% of the time.

Pre-Groundhog Day Fun

Before February 2nd of every year, National Today asks 1,000 people to predict whether Phil will see his shadow. Some people may even place bets on their predictions.

This year 67% of people predict that Phil will see his shadow, which leaves 33% of people predicting that Phil will not see his shadow. Based on these predictions, there is a higher chance of 6 more weeks of winter.

Why do people still celebrate Groundhog day?

Nationaltoday.com came up with 3 reasons why people love Groundhog Day.

Turn misery into magic

The whole point of this day is about prediction. If Phil predicts early spring, people can turn a miserable winter into sun and if he doesn’t, they know what’s to come and so can plan ahead. So, win-win for everyone.

Phil Connors is trapped

The movie ‘‘Groundhog Day’’ has so much meaning and reminds us of why we love this holiday. This movie is recommended if you are feeling trapped, looking for love and meaning in your career, or simply if you’re feeling down. It’s a great reminder of how being stuck can open your vision for change and ask yourself, ‘‘what would I do differently?’’

Weirdo’s unite

This is kind of an oddball holiday but due to its long-standing tradition Groundhog Day has built up quite a following. Phil left his hut at 7.20 am, the talking in Groundhogese and the interpreting a Groundhog’s message is all so odd that it makes it all so cool!