Located at the top of Utah filled with many great places, including Utah State University. Get to know Cache County and all it has to offer.

Cache county is located at the very top of Utah touching the Idaho boarder. As of 2019, Cache County is home to more than 128,000 people. The cities that are located in Cache county are Smithfield, Hyrum, Providence, Hyde Park, Richmond, Nibley, Mendon, Millville, Lewiston, Cache, Paradise, River Heights, Clarkston, Newton, Amalga, Benson, Trenton, Avon, Peter, Cornish, Cove, North Logan, Wellsville, and Logan (which is the county seat).
Before Cache county was settled, it was a gathering place for Plains Indians and the local Shoshone. In 1855, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, drove cattle up to that area for the summer. They intended on being there year round, but when the winters hit it became too cold. So they drove the cattle back down to Salt Lake. 1856 Peter Maughan was sent back to Cache Valley to settle for good. He founded a town named Maughan’s Fort, which is now called Wellsville. From that point, more people came to live in Cache Valley, and more cities were founded.
“In early 1873, the Utah Northern Railroad between Brigham City and Logan was completed. Later, this railroad extended into Idaho and also connected to the transcontinental railroad. The presence of the railroad helped Cache residents to prosper. It provided jobs and also opened new markets for their crops, especially grain and dairy products.
By the 1880s, Cache County farmers were doing even better. They were using new dry-farming techniques and new techniques for building canals and reservoirs. They began to sell fruits and vegetables. New grain elevators built in the 1890s let them store their crops and wait for good prices before they sold.”
Todays economy includes manufacturing, trade, education, agriculture, dairying, and government.
How Did Cache County Get Its Name?
In the French language, the word “cacher” means to hide. The reason why Cache County is called Cache, is because trappers would hide their pelts, supplies, and possessions in Cache County for safe keeping.
Places to Visit
Some top sights to see in Cache County are; Beaver Mountain Ski Area, Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest, Logan Canyon, Cherry Peak Resort, Tony Grove Lake, American West Heritage Center, Hyrum State Park, Utah State University, the Logan Utah Temple and much more.