Do you have guests coming over, or does your house needs a quick ‘pick me up’? Here are some cleaning tips to clean your house quick.
Days can get busy and the house can be a mess. When all you need is a quick house clean up, and then you will feel like something has been done. I have the perfect quick clean up list just for you. Here are some quick cleaning tips to help you achieve that nice clean house you are looking for, in half the time.
Fast Cleaning Tips:

Clean The Whole House
Cleaning can be done a lot faster when you clean the entire house, instead of picking one room and cleaning that. Pick something that needs to be done in each room of the house like vacuuming, decluttering, dusting, etc. Cleaning the whole house can help you to avoid feeling like you are in the middle of endless cleaning, and it will help you to see that things are actually getting cleaned.
2. Put Tools/Supplies In Caddy
Gather all of the tools and cleaning supplies that you will need and put them in a caddy or a bucket. This will help you when moving from room to room. Hopefully you will be able to move everything in one trip.
3. Declutter
Before vacuuming, dusting, or anything, declutter. Grab a garbage bag, go to every room in your house, and declutter. Take every piece of trash out and organize as much as you can in about 30 minutes.
4. Dust And Vacuum
Make sure you dust before you vacuum the floors. When dusting, don’t forget to get the ceiling fans. tops of furniture, pictures, and anything on the walls. Including any blinds or curtain rods.
5. Clean Windows And Mirrors
Wipe down all windows and mirrors in your home.
6. Disinfect
Disinfect all countertops and surface areas. Go throughout your house and disinfect all hard top surfaces including appliances, countertops, cabinets, light switches, etc. Anything that is touched frequently.
7. Clean The Bathrooms And Kitchen
When cleaning the bathrooms, focus on the tubs and sinks, and scrub the toilets last. Spray the tub, sink and toilet with cleaner. While the cleaner is working, clean the kitchen. Don’t forget to clean the inside of the microwave. When finished with the kitchen, return to the bathroom and scrub everything down.
8. Sweep And Mop
When you have finished cleaning and scrubbing everything, now it is time to work on the floors. Go to each room where there is hardwood and sweep, then mop. Rinse your mop out after you finish mopping a room.
Enjoy your clean home!