I’m sure no one wants to think about having to clean their toilets. It’s gross, but so important to keep your bathroom nice and clean, and helps your toilet to function properly and last longer. 
Is it time to clean your toilet? Are there stains in your toilet that you can’t get out? How do you clean the water tank? Hopefully this post will help you when cleaning the toilet in your home.
How to Clean a Toilet
- First things first is to use some sort of toilet bowl cleaner. Whether you have a chemical specifically for a toilet bowl, or you are using a home product like vinegar. Take your toilet bowl cleaner and pour it along the inside bowl of your toilet. If you are using vinegar, just use 1 cup of vinegar. After pouring the cleaner along the bowl, let it sit for a few minutes.
- While the cleaner is sitting, now is the perfect time to clean the outside of the toilet. Take a disinfecting spray and spray the base and outside of the toilet. Next, take a sponge and scrub the outside of the toilet down and remove any dirt, grime, or stains. Don’t forget to get all of the crevices, the handle, base, and under the toilet seats.
- Now that the outside of the toilet is cleaned, take a toilet brush and scrub the toilet bowl. Don’t forget to scrub right under the rim of the bowl, where the water pours out. So many people miss this because it’s hard to see, and it can start to stink if not cleaned properly.
*Tip: If you have hard water stains or a ring in your toilet bowl, a great thing to use would be a Pumie Stick. This works great and you can find it in most stores.*
*Tip: Another thing you can use is Coca-Cola to remove toilet stains. I’ve never tried this before, but I’ve heard good things about it.
How to Clean the Water Tank
“Don’t forget about the water tank! Remove the lid and take a peek inside. If you see any mineral buildup or crud, pour four cups of vinegar into the tank. Allow this to soak for up to an hour. Next, turn the water off to your toilet and flush the toilet. This will drain the tank. Use a sponge or toilet brush to scrub the tank walls while the tank is empty. Turn the water back on, allow the tank to fill, and flush the toilet several times to rinse out the tank.”
Hopefully these tips can help you the next time you try to tackle a messy toilet.