Ways To Make Cleaning Fun!



It’s finally the weekend! The sun is shining, flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, and you want to go outside! But you look around and see your kids toys on the floor, last night’s food still on the table, dog or cat hair all over the floor from animals, etc. Everything is a complete mess, and the last thing you want to do is clean, because who loves to clean? Definitely not me. For most of my life, I thought cleaning was awful, (some days it still is) now I found a few ways to make it much more fun! Plus, I feel so much better once everything is tidy and clean. Today, I thought it would be fun to share with you, some ways I am able to make cleaning a little bit more fun. (If not fun, then more enjoyable.)



  • Listen To Music


When I am cleaning, music is my #1. Turning on my music is the very first thing I do. For me, cleaning something while listening to music makes the chore go by 10x faster than without. Plus, you can have your own private concert or dance party! So when it comes to cleaning, pick out your favorite songs for the day, grab a loud speaker or headphones, and lose track of time while cleaning and jamming out.



  • Reward Yourself


Just like I said before, some days, the last thing you want to do is clean. In order to motivate you, give yourself a reward if you finish everything (or even one thing) on your list! Go try that new drink at Sodalicious. Buy  your favorite flavor of cookie at Crumbl. See a new movie in the theaters. Go buy yourself that new outfit! Do something for yourself! Cleaning can be hard and exhausting, so do something that you can reward yourself with!



  • Compete Against Yourself


Have you ever put something in the microwave for 30 seconds or 1 minute and tried to see how much you could get done within those 30 or 60 seconds? See what you can get done in 30 minutes, and keep changing the time whenever you clean. I personally do this all of the time. Especially when I am doing dishes, or when I’m waiting to switch over my laundry. I’ll see what time it is, go to the next half hour, and clean as fast (and efficiently) as I can. It definitely makes the time fly by. 


  • Compete Against Others

I am the oldest of 3 kids. When my siblings and I were younger, my mom would need our help cleaning something. With 3 little kids, not a lot got done when it came to cleaning, so she would have us compete against each other to see who would get their chores done first. This made cleaning so much easier for us kids, but also on our parents. If your kids are home, your spouse is home, whoever, compete against them in different things that will clean the house at the same time. Maybe, reward the person who cleans the fastest!



  • Buy Yourself New Cleaning Tools/Supplies


One thing that gets me so excited to clean is buying new cleaning products or cleaning tools. I love having new stuff, and I love being able to finally use those new things! If you are the one that cleans most of the time, buy the things you want! Buy the cleaning tools that are in your favorite color or pattern. It makes cleaning a little bit exciting to use new cleaning tools and products. 



  • Have A Specific Cleaning Outfit


I know that may sound a little weird, but honestly one of my favorite things about cleaning is being able to wear my cleaning outfit. Now, my cleaning outfit has turned into an everyday outfit instead of a cleaning outfit because of quarantine, and I don’t work outside of my home so I clean everyday. My cleaning outfit is very simple. Tee-shirt, leggings, messy bun, and maybe a little makeup. Sounds very simple and it has turned into my everyday outfit, I enjoy cleaning when I feel ready to clean. 



  • Take That Time For Yourself


When I was in college, I went to a church meeting and we started talking about marriage and family. During that meeting, a lady told us that when your kids are bugging you, or you’re having a hard day with your spouse, and you just want some alone time, the best thing to do is clean. No one will bug you (especially if you’re doing the dishes). Even though cleaning can be hard, exhausting, and the last thing you want to do, it can give you that alone time to think and process yourself. 

Hopefully these few ideas will help you enjoy cleaning a bit more!

Have fun cleaning!



1 thought on “Ways To Make Cleaning Fun!”

  1. These are such helpful tips, and they definitely made me more excited to clean my house! I am excited to try out the compete with others too with my family! I think we could have a lot of fun with that!

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