Why Does Spring Make Us Happy?

Have you noticed that everyone’s mood changes when Spring is here? Why do you feel happier in the Spring?

There are so many reasons why fall, winter, and the summer may be people’s favorite season. What about Spring? What does Spring have to do with our mood and mindset? Here are 5 reasons why Spring makes us happier.

More Daylight

This can be a game changer, especially for those who suffer with seasonal depression. Because of Daylight Savings Time, (starting in March) we spring forward an hour, which brings longer hours of daylight. But why does more daylight make people happy? Studies have shown that the more a person is outside in sunlight, the more serotonin is produced in a person’s brain. Serotonin is a chemical that the brain makes to put the person in a good mood. When the body receives sunlight, serotonin levels increase.

Blooming Flowers

After a long, cold, and bitter winter, it’s refreshing to see flowers starting to pop up and bloom. For some, spring flowers bring meaning of new life and renewal. Also meanings of hope when going through a rough time. Scientifically, flowers do make us happier. Just as the sun triggers the brain to produce serotonin, flowers can do the same. “Flowers have an immediate impact on happiness.” Flowers can trigger your brain to produce dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. All part of the ‘happy brain chemicals’.

Going Outside

This may just be my opinion, but there are so much more to do outside in the spring than in the winter. After a long winter, it’s so refreshing to be able to workout, hike, swim, go on a picnic, go on a walk, etc. and be able to do all of these things outside.

Spring Cleaning

As daunting as this sounds, having a clean home all ready for the warm weather has an amazing feel to it. Being able to unclutter your space and put away winter decorations is relieving and refreshing. “When we actively clean and de-clutter it gives us more energy because it lifts stress from our body. If we add music and movement to our cleaning routine it makes it fun, it’s good for our physical health and we will release happy hormones. It’s an excellent stress buster.” (www.silversurfers.com)

(Don’t forget to check out last week’s post for a free spring cleaning checklist)

School Is Almost Over

With Spring here, that means school is so close to being finished. Whether your kids are in high school, or preschool, it’s nice to have them home and to be able to spend time with them during the summer.